Sunday, April 28, 2013

7 weeks

7 weeks today! Morning sickness isn't too bad, but it's not a walk in the park. Still haven't told work. Mom is going to see Nana today, and asked if she could spill the beans. I'm a little sad that I couldn't tell my grandmother in person, but I don't have any plan to be back in the Northeast anytime soon. My rule is that if something happens, mom has to untell her.
I was hoping to wait until I had confirmation on viability and a firm estimated due date (I ovulated on cd24, so my calculated and actual will likely be at least 10 days apart), but that ultrasound isn't until May 13, the days after Mother's Day and 2 days after I turn 30!
I was planning (on Pinterest) this huge 30th birthday bash - have a big open house and a ton of fun, but I'm not sure I'm feeling up to it now ... Plus I can't drink, which is one of my terrible coping mechanisms for coping with 30 people in my imperfect house.
I am so glad that spring has finally hit Minnesota! I did some gardening today, and it felt so good to be outside!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's a wild, crazy world

Dr confirmed it! Due sometime in December, sent home with a bag of free samples and forms to fill out :-) I now own my first diaper and pacifier.

Currently stressed out about exercise. How much is too much? I thought is be fine just listening to my body, but then I stared having panicky thoughts about how my heart rate was up and I was sweating and what if I was causing irreparable damage to my little newt. I've done more research, and the jury seems to be on the side of don't start a new exercise routine, but if you have one you like that is working for you, go for it.

So I think I'll decrease my epic hill climb elliptical workouts that routinely keep my heart rate above 165 to something that peaks at 160 and stays lower overall. Too bad I hate the pool, it seems like a really good solution to my problem!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Baby shower

I'm putting on a baby shower for a friend tomorrow, she's due with her first next month, and it will be exciting to see her get stocked up for her baby girl. We are using a Dr Seuss themed shower, and I have to admit I'm most excited about the piƱata. Because the cat in the hat has always annoyed the dickens out of me. I'm such a goody -two shoes, apparently. Give me Fox in Socks any day!!

I know you aren't supposed to give opinions on you own shower, but I love love love Sandra Boynton ...! And since apparently I'm going to be needing a shower early this winter, I figured I'd throw that out there (pending Monday's dr appt and 8.5 months of who- knows-what, of course!)

I'm ecstatic.

Monday, April 1, 2013

"Day off"

We had a great, low-key Easter with my brother and his wife. We ended playing a 6-hour game of Arkham Horror, which we stopped when it became very clear that we were not going to win. I was completely drained of energy by the time they left, go go introverts. 
This morning I overslept, called the chiropractor to ask if I could show up 20 minutes late (he said yes), and promptly stepped in overflowed toilet water in my socked feet. Eww. I contemplated just going back to bed at that point.
I chickened out on asking my chiro if he knew the Bradley Method, and instead just chatted with him about the really cool foreign body surgery that I did last week. (Cat vs plastic cap found on wire shelves, cat survived, but barely). 
Went out to lunch with hubby and his co-workers, and ate so much delicious Indian food (and rice, and naan). Googled pre-diabetic diets, just out of curiosity (I am totally an apple and at higher risk because of PCOS), and cried a little at the carb restrictions they recommend. I'm not getting on that boat yet!!
Sucked it up and made an appointment with an internist for next week to discuss: PCOS, hypothyroid, obesity, and the m-fing excess body hair that seems to have erupted since I went off birth control last year. We'll see what happens with that, whether she says diet and exercise, or if maybe I can get a little metformin here in this body to see if we can regulate it. I can run 2.5 miles in 30 minutes and I still weigh 245 pounds - training may not be enough for my poor body. 
The bathroom floor is dry, but needs some serious bleach action. I guess I'll go do that now. :)